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Something for EVERYONE!

 At Grace Baptist, our ministries revolve around five Biblical concepts. You will discover that as a Church, we are passionate about Evangelism, Discipleship, Fellowship, Missions, and Worship.


Prayer is something that Pastor Eddie believes in fully.  Everyone is invited to a Tuesday prayer group that meets in the Daniel Prayer room at 11:00 am. On Wednesdays, a group of Pastors and Lay people get together at 11:00am and pray for revival and spiritual awakening. Often these special moments conclude with going out together to eat and fellowship together.


Elders / Seniors

At Grace we respect our Elders and make it a point to teach the next generation to do so as well. We look to our Elders for spiritual wisdom as they play a key role in many of the ministries in the Church. One of the highlights of the year is the senior banquet in which we recognize the great appreciation that we have for them.

Sunday School

We still believe that Sunday Mornings provides an educationcal  opportunity that plays a key role in Christian maturity. This is why we have Connection Group  classes for all ages from birth to seniors. We are blessed to have great teachers who share the gifts that God has given them. Classes begin at 9:45 and dismiss at 10:45.

Food Pantry/Clothes Closet 
 Our Food pantry is known as Gracefully giving and is open on Mondays from 10 to 12. The purpose is to help someone in need and them help navigate them to a larger pantry. We partner with Hands of God and Lot 25/40. 
 Our clothes closet is named Clothed in God's Grace. We have free clothes  that are gently used and some are new. WE have all ages and have clothes from newborns to Sr, adults. Bottom line these ministries exist to show the love of Jesus to our community.

Children/ SOARS/Youth

We understand the importance of planting seeds and disciplining the next generation of Church leaders. We currently offer Team Kids.  We divide the boys and girls up into their appropriate age . All ages are taught the important role of being servants as followers of Christ. We do several mission opportunities around the Church and the community each year.



We are  still blessed with a great people who love to sing. In the 11:00 service, we are lead by a choir.  We offer a blended service. Our music ranges from Hymns, bluegrass gospel, southern gospel. country gospel and contemporary songs. Our goal is to offer something for everyone and not just one. 



Every October we have our annual revival.   God continues to bless us with great evangelist and singers.  God continues to use this event to bring people into a relationship with Jesus and strengthen the body of believers that makes up Grace Baptist Church.


Women's Ministry 

Adult Women and teenage girls are in involved in Women's Missionary Union. On the third Monday of each month, they meet ways in which we can serve our community. The meetings start at 6:30 pm. If you love to Missions then this is something that you want to be part of. 

  Men's Ministry  

The Men's ministry is known as Brotherhood. The purpose of this ministry is for Men to train young men how to be Godly Men. The Men often do projects around the church, church partners houses, and projects around in the community. 

We also offer a Iron Sharpens Iron ministry on Thursday's  at 7:00 am at GBC for Men desiring to grow together.  

  Iron Sharpens Iron  

   THis is a men's groupthat believes in helping Men become the Man/Husband/Dad/spiritualleader that God made him to be. This group goes through different studies while also being a high accountability group. In this group men are honest with our struggle with sin and how other men can help pray and encourage other men to see what God sees in them. They meet every Saturday Morning at 7.

HelvetiIromnnnca Light is an easy-to-read f Iron shaont, with tIall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site. I

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